Create peaceful, productive practice sessions with your child

"With so much of music learning being based in the long game, I want parents to have resources at hand that can go to use right away to create the kind of results that help that long term vision feel achievable.

 I love how this short ebook starts immediately with tools parents can use to improve their next practice session, and helps to make the most out of their valuable time. " 

- Neil of Chili Dog Strings

You’ve tried to keep practice time positive. You’ve had some great days, and some pull out your hair days. You’ve even tried pleading and bribing. Perhaps you've even lost your cool? (hey many of us have!)

You might be wondering if you’re actually cut out for being involved in your child’s practice. You feel like it shouldn’t be this hard and you wonder if it will ever get easier.

The reality is many people find practice with their child frustrating and give up. Others push through, but their relationship with their child suffers.

This is too high a cost to pay!  Not only that, but we miss the opportunity to help our child develop a love of music and learn to play well when we quit or if they begin hate music because practice is negative and filled with conflict.   

As a Parent, I’ve Been There Too!

I understand how hard it is. I struggled to practice with my own children too.  I was a new teacher and had a clear and idealistic picture of what practice should look like. It came as a complete surprise to me that my children could enjoy playing the instrument yet hate to practice with such intensity.   

While it's my child's responsibility to practice, I have power to set the tone and help them learn to practice effectively. Practice is no longer a daily battle.

This printable guide details the simple steps for transforming practice for you and your child. 

I have been putting these strategies into practice for the past 18 years of teaching and have seen it transform practice for my own children and for the parents and students I work with in my studio. 

Here’s What the Guide Includes: 

A printable PDF that will guide you through:  

  • Five Questions every parent should ask themselves after practicing with their child
  • How to address each of these steps in detail, with your specific situation in mind. 
  • Encouraging your child's interest in music 
  • Keeping your child's motivation high
  • Engaging your child to practice effectively 
  • Creating a musical environment at home to foster learning and improvement 
The printable PDF will help you apply these strategies to transform your practice sessions at home and improve your interaction with your child.  

Christine is there for you to answer questions and give feedback in our private Facebook group. 

Sign up for your copy of the guide for only $17 for a limited time. 

Its time to reduce arguments with your child and remove the conflict surrounding music practice. A peaceful and productive practice routine is only a click away.  

It's time to stop doing what we've been doing and to change our approach to create a positive practice experience for ourselves and our children. 

Let's take our practice sessions from frustration and conflict to cooperation and progress. 

Sign up for your digital copy of the guide today for Only $17

  • Click the "Sign Up Now" Button
  • Enter Your Payment information
  • Check your email for details to log in 
  • You'll have instant access to the PDF Guide

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About the Instructor

Christine Goodner has been teaching music for over 19 years. She has the unique perspective of being a music student from the age of 3, a full time music teacher, and parent to two daughters who she practiced with when they were learning violin, cello, and flute. 

Her mission is to help parents work with their children in peaceful and productive practice sessions instead of the struggle and conflict that many parents face. 

Christine runs a private studio Brookside Suzuki Strings in Hillsboro, OR. 

She is author of Beyond the Music Lesson: Habits of Successful Suzuki Families  and co-hosts the podcast Beyond the Music Lesson which can be found on Apple Podcasts. She writes practical and insightful articles for music teachers and parents on her blog